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The Traveling Salesman Spends 10 Minutes with… Dan Hill CEO, Würth Industry North America

Traveling Salesman (TS): Okay, I have read a few interviews with you in the past year, so I am taking this as a challenge to take a different approach to talk with you. That said, if I ask you something too crazy, feel free to plead the fifth or skip past the question. At the same time, I plan to have a little fun. So, you ready?

Dan Hill (DH): Thanks TS, I appreciate the time and opportunity to speak with you.

TS: I’ll jump right into the recent data that I read in Fastener News Report, where Würth shared that they saw “double-digit sales growth” in the first half of 2021. I think the actual number they printed was 22.6% growth over the same period from the previous year. For our industry, the numbers are kind of staggering.

DH: Yes, right at 17% growth for H1, and if you exclude our PPE division that had record-setting 2020 COVID impacted results,

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