ArticlesColumnsFastener Focus

The traveling salesman spends 10 minutes with Salim Brahimi

Traveling Salesman (TS): So, to some part of the fastener industry, you are Salim Brahimi, instructor for the Fastener Training Institute (FTI). That is possibly where a number of people have actually had an opportunity to meet you. But, I did a little bit of research and see that you have a couple other jobs that occupy your time. Let’s start with your current position as the Director of Engineering & Technology for the IFI (Industrial Fasteners Institute). That’s not a bad sideline to have in addition to being an instructor for the FTI. Oh yes, and while you are doing that you are also the Principal Engineer/President for the IBECA Technologies Corp. where you have worked for nearly 20 years. Then there’s the roll as an Adjunct Professor at the McGill Hydrogen Embrittlement Facility. You maintain a position with ISO as the Chairman for the Standards Council of Canada Mirror Committee (Technical Committee on Fasteners), and you still have a role with ASTM International as a Committee Chairman.

Read Salim’s answers and more in the digital edition