ArticlesEmphasisHeat Treating

Strong Year Yields a Surge in New Equipment Orders for Key Sectors

by: Katarzyna Sawka, VP Marketing, SECO/WARWICK S.A.

The year 2020 was a strong year for SECO/WARWICK S.A., with the aerospace and defense sectors leading the surge in new equipment orders for SECO/VACUUM (SVT), a SECO/WARWICK Group Company, with the tool and die market in a strong supporting role.

In stark contrast to a generally cautious economy upset by a global pandemic, farsighted OEMs have their horizons set well into the future as they develop plans for ground breaking transportation technologies. One example is the purchase by a major aerospace contractor of SECO/VACUUM’s single piece flow continuous vacuum furnace, UCM® 4D Quench®, to become an integral part of a demonstration plant dedicated to completely automated gear manufacturing. The pilot plant will prove that the company will meet the high quality, high volume demands of their national and international defense customers in the years to come.

SECO/WARWICK’s ground breaking UCM 4D Quench is a revolutionary, vacuum heat treatment system that offers continuous single-piece workflow for case hardening of gears and rings by low-pressure carburizing and high-pressure gas quenching in four dimensions including rotation. Contrary to traditional batch mode heat treatment, every single part goes through the system the same way in terms of position, timing and process parameters. With a part exiting the system at a rate as short as 30 seconds each, users can experience throughput as high as one million perfectly uniform parts per year.

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